Jammy goodness…

This week I’ve been doing an awful lot of baking… I’ve been home alone a bit.. attempting to write a 15,000 word honours thesis… which is very challenging considering I have the house to myself and an abundance of food lying around just begging to be a part of some new and delicious baking adventure! Call it procrastination… I call it an investment in my overall mental health… it’s pretty tough keeping yourself and a looming 15,000 words sane…

Luckily, my mother-in-law asked if I wouldn’t mind baking some treats to put in her freezer for when visitors pop round and the like… So I thought I’d do a few tasty and freezer friendly slices…. One of these, a favourite of mine… Not quite sure what it’s officially called… But the slice with the cakey base and jam and coconut on top! Apparently it’s an Aussie slice, quite patriotic really… But unfortunately I can’t just stick to a regular recipe… I had to make it a little bit fancy, so I decided to make my own mixed berry jam to go in the middle..

I generally find store bought jam to sweet anyway and there was a pretty funky looking packet of frozen berries in the freezer that needed to be highly processed in order to be edible… so JAM! It was very tasty.. and very quick! I hope you try it! Plus you can make jam drops with the left overs.. Feeling patriotic yet?

Quick and Easy Jam

Take a packet of mixed berries, or berries of choice, frozen is easiest! Empty into a saucepan and add 1/2 cup sugar (You’ll probably want more because I like a tarty little jam). Stir it up and bring to the boil, turn down the heat and let it simmer for about 5 minutes, until it’s all cooked and gooey. Take a 3 tablespoons of cornflour and mix with about 1/2 cup of cold water, use a fork to get rid of all the lumps. Stir it into the simmering jam mixture, you should feel it thicken quite quickly. Keep stirring for about a minute then take of the heat and let cool.

Happy Baking!

One thought on “Jammy goodness…

  1. I’m trying to finish formatting my thesis. I’m so bad at postponing the easiest of tasks. I have been baking to avoid it. Boo.

    Those look so good!

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